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Ossa's famous shoemakers, the shoemakers of Vyssoka, as they were more widely known in Central Macedonia, were a prosperous and powerful union of professionals who not only left their mark on Ossa's recent history and economy throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th century, but also in the wider area of northern Greece, as evidenced by the sources and as it is preserved to this day in the memories of the inhabitants. The descriptions in the sources of the beginning of the 20th century vividly and clearly describe the long history, the organization and the operation of the trade union of the Vyssoka's tanners and shoemakers. This whole process proves a vertical production, which was constantly increasing. In this context, the shoemakers of Ossa transported and sold their merchandise in all the weekly and annual bazaars of the surrounding area and the neighboring prefectures. The dedication, honesty and consistency in their work and the high quality of their shoes, spreads their fame in all the places where they settle, with the village always remaining their reference centre.


But times have changed ..., resulting in the gradual shrinking of traditional professions and the erasure of many of them. The same happened with the shoemakers of Ossa. Thus, the association, wanting to keep alive the memories of the village, decided, by its own means, the scenographic revival of an old shoemaking workshop in the form of an exhibition, saving the material evidence of this traditional profession, which for many centuries developed in the settlement. After the long-term concession of a deserted commercial building in the center of the settlement, repair and renovation works were carried out (maintenance of coatings, installation of floors, ceilings and frames, painting, etc.), while an exhibition-report was formed.


The Old Tsagkaradiko is the precursor "The Shomaker 's House", the first and only multimedia showroom for the systematic recording of the shoemaking history in Greece, with main reference to the settlement of Ossa!

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